SunUp Advantage


Our Senior Living & Memory Care Communities

Pelican Garden Assisted Living

At Pelican Garden Assisted Living, we believe that every senior deserves to experience a fulfilling and joyful life, surrounded by a caring community that feels like home.

Integrity Dixie Oak Manor

Integrity Dixie Oak Manor is a small Assisted Living Community focused on personalized senior care. Our mission is to create a positive, nurturing atmosphere for our residents.

Rosewood Manor

At Rosewood Manor of Vero Beach, we believe that every senior deserves to experience a fulfilling and joyful life, surrounded by a caring community that feels like home.

Pelican Garden Assisted Living

At Pelican Garden Assisted Living, we believe that every senior deserves to experience a fulfilling and joyful life, surrounded by a caring community that feels like home.

Integrity Dixie Oak Manor

Integrity Dixie Oak Manor is a small Assisted Living Community focused on personalized senior care. Our mission is to create a positive, nurturing atmosphere for our residents.

Rosewood Manor

At Rosewood Manor of Vero Beach, we believe that every senior deserves to experience a fulfilling and joyful life, surrounded by a caring community that feels like home.


Loving and serving you and yours.

Like a dear friend, we’re here to lend a helping hand. Reach out and discover why SunUp Advantage is the right fit for you or your loved one.


Loving and serving you and yours.

Like a dear friend, we’re here to lend a helping hand. Reach out and discover why Colonial Oaks is the right fit for you or your loved one.


Loving and serving you and yours.

Like a dear friend, we’re here to lend a helping hand. Reach out and discover why Colonial Oaks is the right fit for you or your loved one.

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